541 Broadway Street, Milton, PA 17847

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The library provides free access to books, electronic media, internet and computers, magazines and periodicals to the general public. The library also provides free educational and reading programs targeting both children and underpriviledged communities.

The library provides free access to books, periodicals, videos, audios, magazines and internet to the general public. It also offers free programs related to education and reading especially targeted children and underpriviledged.

The library owns and purchase books, periodicals, videos, audios and magazines for free use by the general public and provides free reading programs and free internet access to the general public

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Jed StalkerLibrary Director40$35,000
Amy DehartVice President1$0
Dick SpechtTrustee1$0
Rachel YoderTrustee1$0
Elaine PfielTrustee1$0
Amanda CraigSecretary2$0
Russ DavisTrustee1$0
Joesph MoralezVice President2$0
Rob JonesPresident5$0

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