1475 3rd Avenue, New Brighton, PA 15066

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Beaver County is to help at-risk children and youth aged 6-14 to achieve their potential through professionally supported one-on-one mentoring relationships with caring and committed Big Brothers, Sister and couple mentors.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a donor volunteer supported organization proven by research to help vulnerable children and youth to beat the odds and succeed through professional supported one-to-one relationships with volunteer Big Brothers, Sisters and Couple mentors. As one of the 400 independent affiliates of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America - we are part of our nations largest donor supported network of youth mentors with over 100 years of success in helping at-risk children and youth to grow to become caring, confident and competent adults. Big Brothers, Sisters and Couple volunteers provide the assigned children with individual time and attention on a regular basis, sharing activities and fun times together such as playing basketball, studying, getting ice cream or going to the park. Community based mentoring takes place in the community-at-large. Campus based mentoring occurs on college campuses during the school year. School based mentoring takes place in the school setting; school personnel refer children for extra help with academics and social skills. Big Brothers Big Sisters also provides related support and activities for volunteer child and family participants such as by offering monthly group enrichment activities, trips to the zoo and annual Christmas party or bowling parties.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Kim AnastasExecutive Director40$70,559
Sarah MorrisonBoard Member1$0
Nicholas RaughtBoard Member1$0
Anthony RubinoTreasurer1$0
Lisa ReeseBoard Member1$0
Edward KnafelcBoard Member1$0
Jessica GencarelliBoard Member1$0
Christi FouseVice President1$0
Sandie EgleyBoard Member1$0
Mark DrenchkoBoard Member1$0
Robert DappenbrookBoard Member1$0
Abbey BraddockBoard Member1$0
Jane BovalinoBoard Member1$0
Brenda BellSecretary1$0
Anthony AntolinePresident2$0

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