PO Box 787, Warrendale, PA 15095

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Financial aid for graphic arts education.

Scholarships and fellowships are awarded to students in accredited graphic arts courses. The Organization also provides counseling, testing, selection and related expenses for scholarships.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Nicholas G StratigosChief Financial Officer4$0
Douglas YeagerDirector1$0
Dr Hc Niels M WintherDirector1$0
Jeff WhiteDirector1$0
Larry WarterDirector1$0
Matt VertreesDirector1$0
Walter D VailDirector1$0
Bob TapellaDirector1$0
Ted StrausDirector1$0
Rodrigo SosaDirector1$0
Joseph SchemberDirector1$0
Peter SchaeferDirector1$0
George RyanDirector1$0
Ronald RoseDirector1$0
Amela O'GormanDirector1$0
Gerald NatheDirector1$0
Todd LumanDirector1$0
Laura LawtonDirector1$0
Pat KlareckiDirector1$0
Colby KibbeDirector1$0
Frank KanonikDirector1$0
Ray HartmanDirector1$0
Roger GimbelDirector1$0
Judy DurhamDirector1$0
Susan PnofiImmediate Past Chair1$0
John DriesbachSecretary/Treasurer1$0
Jules Van SantVice Chair1$0
William MichaelChairman1$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: